All products are shipped directly from Nu-Tone & CO and OfficePrize.com don’t keep the physical stock.
Terms of payment
We accept online payments through Paypal and cards like Visa / Master Card.
Canadian shipping terms (Canadian dollars)
USA Shipping terms (US dollars)
Handling fees of $3.50 will be applied on all orders below $29.99
All orders returned to Nu-Tone & CO due to Partner/Reseller errors:
Partner / Reseller will be charged the return freight costs, with a $20.00 administration fee for the return.
Terms and Conditions of shipment of Ergonomic products
All orders for ergonomic products containing metal components or high volume orders are not subject to the same shipping policy or the same terms and conditions as for other products sold by Nu-Tone & CO. Delivery costs vary according to the weight and dimensions of the shipment.
* Prices are subject to change without notice.
Contact Us
Canada: 107 Frederick Tisdale Dr, Toronto, ON M3K 2B8
USA: 3719 Main St. STE 2C Flushing, NY, 11354
Phone: 800-617-4379
Email: info@officeprize.com
OfficePrize.com – a destination for top-notch office supplies.